Programmer Notes
Modernize your practice with American Billing Service®!
ABSnet™ is an optional product that is designed to fill in certain gaps in a typical practice. Many medical practices already have established systems and ways of doing things, and we do not intend to interfere with those. However, our software can fulfill many potential needs at a much lower price than normal (i.e. free).
ABSnet™ is a Windows program that you install on one or more of your computers at your practice(s). It is very easy to set up, and only requires that you click on an Internet link and answer a few simple questions. ABSnet™ currently provides you with these basic features:
It can also just be a set of patient names arranged as a block schedule. In short, it does what you want it to do!
ABSnet™ is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Go paperless…go ABSnet™!